Everything you hear comes out of the accordion's speakers, which run on an internal battery. No need for a sound system.



Its light playing instills from the first notes a feeling of gaiety and joie de vivre, people are immediately seduced. For his compositions influenced by musette and jazz as well as for his interpretations as original as they are eloquent, he is often referred to as an accordion poet.

Mario Bruneau started playing the accordion at the age of 8. In the early 1970s, he played accordion and piano on Plume Latraverse's first album. Subsequently, he collaborated with him on record and in shows on several occasions. In 92, after a break devoted to musical production (TV5 and others), he returned to the accordion. The presence of the Paris Musette group at the Montreal Jazz Festival was a real revelation, the spark of his attachment to this musical style.

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Invited several times to the Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon in Montmagny, he gave the first Au Clair de Lune concert at the Migration Center. From 1997 to 2004, he was the accordionist for the Bateau Mouche at the Old Port of Montreal, for which he also produced the musical theme. In 99, he was invited to the European Accordion Meetings in Chartres, France.

In 2006, an accordion factory from Castelfidardo in Italy signed up to demonstrate its accordions at the Frankfurt Musikmess in Germany. In 2007, he was the guest speaker at Carrefour de Montmagny. His numerous performances in theaters and on records, the experience and talent of Mario Bruneau are a guarantee of the success of your event.



From 1997 to 2004, he was the accordionist of le Bateau-Mouche in old Port of Montreal for which he produced the musical theme (listen to the musical theme of the Bateau-Mouche .mp3 5Meg) In 2006, an Italian accordion manufacturer from Castelfidardo hired Mario Bruneau to perform at their Frankfurt MusikMesse's booth in Germany.  The video on the right highlights Le Grand Frisson, a concert hall he opened in a Church.



Solo/Strolling accordionist

Music for weddings: Hymne à l'Amour - La vie en Rose - Amélie Poulin - Un homme et une femme

Music for corporate event: jazz - There will never be another you - What a wonderful world - Georgia

Music for vineyard: Ah! le petit vin blanc

Music for marina, guinguette, waterfront, boats, sailors songs: Quand les bateaux s'en vont - Titanic - Amis partons sans bruit - La mer - Je voudrais voir la mer - Mon St-Laurent si grand, si grand

Music under the theme of Paris: Sous les ponts de Paris - Sous le ciel de Paris - Pigalle

Festive music: Mon manège à moi c'est toi - French Can Can -  Milord - J'aime les nuits de Montréal

"I can hear signing Angels coming out of your accordion"

          Francis Lemarque



It is by deepening his accordion knowledge that he became interested in its history, manufacturing, its morphology, tuning and new technological developments that he came to tune and repair his own accordion.  To share his knowledge and passion, he created the MultiMedia Accordion Conference that he presented in 2008 at Montmagny.

5 Comments to “ Accordionist”

  1. Jan Willem Van Weel says :Reply

    Dear M. Bruneau: I was among the many who this past weekend attended the Artists Show at the Steward Hall in Pointe-Claire where you were shining brightly in performance(s). I spoke with you briefly to tell you how taken I was by your Musette music-making, one would never hear it anywhere more authentically well-played than how you did it: wonderfully. I have now at home played your c.d. recording “MUSETTE”, with Madame Cardinal singing “Chanson douce” in the final track. The joy brought me at listening cannot be put any better in words than what I have attempted herewith. Thank you!

    Jan WIllem Van Weel
    May 28, 2019

    1. Mario Bruneau says :Reply

      Thank you for those kind words Jan Willem, really appreciated.
      It is not everybody that can “hear” the difference between interpretations of a specific style of music like the Parisian musette. You are among the one who can obviously.
      I hope you’ll enjoy listening to my CD “Mario Bruneau Musette” and the beautiful voice of Hélène Cardinal singing the song “La chanson Douce” from Léo Ferré for many years to come.
      Was nice meeting you last weekend at Stewart Hall in Pointe-Claire.
      best regards

  2. Jim says :Reply

    I have a bretto scandelli accordion,very old and works,bass strap is adjustable by a metal outside the unit,has on off indicator,played by my dad in big bands in Ontario and Michigan.trying to get a approximately value,he played in the 1940 and up thanks Jim

    1. Mario Bruneau says :Reply

      Hi Jim,
      To evaluate your accordion, please send me photos.

  3. Monty McKinney says :Reply

    For me, the Internet or WWWeb is an important source of music and musical information that is otherwise arcane or remote. I enjoy that people take the time to record a performance on a street corner or tiny hall in some part of the world I may never visit.

    Often these recordings are so poorly recorded or the “noise” so great that little that is actually musical remains. Even people intending to demonstrate an instrument and all its virtues often neglect to set properly for sound reproduction, or do anything in post production to convey the actual auditory experience.

    I must commend Mario Bruneau for paying attention to these important details in faithfully recording the musical experience he wishes to convey. The sound of his accordion, or other instrument, is rich and vibrant. His performances are polished as if the Internet audience deserves no less than the concert hall.

    Thank you Mario for sharing your great reservoir of talent and knowledge with anyone in the world who might have access to the Web and a desire for an uncommon musical experience.

    All the Best,

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